About Health Promotion

Health promotion refers to the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants, and thereby improve their health (WHO, 1986). Health promotion not only focuses on strengthening the skills and capabilities of individuals, but also on changing the social, environmental, and economic conditions so as to positively impact public and individual health.

Program Goals & Objectives

The Health Promotion program provides support to NITHA partners in the area of health promotion by developing strategies and teaching Partnership to deliver First Nation based programs and services at the community level. The NITHA Health Promotion program also offers leadership, innovation and vision in the planning and implementation of short, medium and long term initiatives aimed at supporting the NITHA Partnership in promotion healthy values and behaviours.

The role of the NITHA Health Promotion Advisor is to:

  • Advise the Partnership on Health Promotion theory and practice
  • Assist in development of health public policy in relation to smoking cessation, regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, obesity, mental health, substance abuse and chronic conditions
  • Focus on a developing tools and resources to promote the health of the community
  • Networking with outside partners

For contact information, please visit our staff page.