About Mental Health and Addictions

Wellness and Wellbeing involves all the interconnected parts of a person (mind, body, emotion and spirit), healthy family, and social/community relationships Wholistic healing respects and implements a broad range of supports to meet the needs of everyone. Various layers of protection and support are required when someone is harmed by trauma, colonization, residential school, poverty, and under employment.

Program Goals & Objectives

The Mental Health and Addictions (MHA) program provides advice and support to the NITHA Partners to strengthen their capacities to deliver quality MHA and Wellness services and are comprehensive and community based.

The NITHA MHA Advisor key areas of third level support are:

  • Building capacity
  • Innovation in programs and service and implementation of best practices
  • Working with Partner managers to address priority needs of the communities.

For contact information, please visit our staff page.