About the Community Services Unit

The Community Services Unit provides 3rd level support in nursing (home care, primary care, and community health), mental health and addictions, emergency preparedness, nutrition, tobacco control, and eHealth.

The Community Services Unit supports the NITHA Partners through program development, policy and procedure development, capacity building, training and education, partner & community consultations, advocacy, building linkages with various organizations, and participation in partner and community working groups.

CSU consists of a Community Services Manager, Nurse Program Advisor, Mental Health and Addictions Advisor, Emergency Response Coordinator, eHealth Advisor and Tobacco Project Coordinator. In September 2016, a position for the Nutrition program was created and filled.

CSU staff continue to work collaboratively with its Partners and a number of external stakeholders, including Health Canada, the First Nations Inuit Health Branch, Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Health and Northern Population Health Branch, the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses’ Association, provincial educational Institutions, and others.


The programs within the Community Services Unit are:

Program Lead
eHealth Charles Bighead, eHealth Advisor
Emergency Response Patrick Hassler, Emergency Response Coordinator
Mental Health & Addictions Glenda Watson, Mental Health & Addictions Advisor
Nursing Carrie Gardipy, Nurse Program Advisor
Nutrition Carol Udey, Nutritionist
Tobacco Control Justina Ndubuka, Tobacco Project Coordinator

Each program lead coordinates a working group comprised of representatives from the NITHA Partnership that are guided by a standard terms of reference.

For contact information, please visit our staff page.